LIC is divesting it’s 19.75% shareholding in National Milk Records PLC by way of a scheme of arrangement. The scheme is subject to approval by the UK courts and other customary conditions. The transaction is expected to close mid- July where LIC will divest 4,194,880 shares in National Milk Records PLC at £2.15 per share.
Full statement attached.
For shareholder enquiries, phone 0800 542 742
For media enquiries, contact LIC Head of Marketing & Products: [email protected], 0275510535.
The S&P/NZX 50 Index closed down 0.76% or 99.37 points to 12,944.
James Miller says directors need to step up when companies face difficulties.
Big players like Ryman, Oceania, Arvida and Summerset are doing their best to hedge.
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