Infratil Limited (“IFT”) – Trading Halt of Securities

Wed, Jun 07 2023 08:32 am


To: Market Participants
From: NZX Product Operations
Date: Wednesday, 7 June 2023
Subject: Infratil Limited (“IFT”) – Trading Halt of Securities


NZ RegCo advises that, at the request of the issuer, it has placed a trading halt on Infratil Limited (“IFT”) financial products “IFT” ordinary shares, “IFT210”, “IFT230”, “IFT250”, “IFT260”, “IFT270”, “IFT280”, “IFT300”, “IFT310”, “IFT320”, “IFTHA” and “IFTHC”. The trading halt was placed at pre-market open today.

The trading halt is in place while IFT undertakes the placement component of a capital raise, and will remain in place until the earlier of an announcement by IFT stating the outcome of the placement or market open on Friday, 9 June 2023.

Please contact NZX Product Operations on +64 4 496 2853 or [email protected] with any queries.


Announcement PDF

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