AMENDED Fletcher Building Limited — Trading Halt

Mon, Feb 12 2024 03:18 pm

This is an amended announcement as the previous "Fletcher Building Limited — Trading Halt of Securities" released today was not marked as material.

To: Market Participants
From: NZX Product Operations
Date: Monday, 12 February 2024
Subject: Fletcher Building Limited (“FBU”) — Trading Halt of Securities


NZ RegCo advises that it has placed a trading halt on Fletcher Building Limited (“FBU”) ordinary shares at the request of the issuer. The trading halt was placed at 2:40pm today, Monday, 12 February 2024.

FBU has requested the trading halt to allow it to finalise earnings guidance which it proposes to release to the market, which is likely to materially vary from current analyst forecasts. The information to allow FBU to do this will arise as the Board and sub-committee of the Board finalise FBU's half year accounts.

The halt will remain in place pending the release of an announcement by the issuer, or midday on Wednesday, 14 February 2024.

Please contact NZX Product Operations on +64 4 496 2853 or [email protected] with any queries.


Announcement PDF

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