Sky's New Share Buyback

Mon, Mar 25 2024 02:55 pm

25 March 2024

Sky’s New Share Buyback

Sky Network Television Limited (Sky) confirms that, as noted in its interim results on 22 February 2024, a new on-market share buyback programme will be in effect from 1 April 2024, immediately following the conclusion of Sky’s current share buyback programme.

The buyback programme may run for up to 12 months and the Company will acquire shares through the NZX and ASX at the prevailing market price from time to time in that period.

The buyback programme will be for a maximum aggregate purchase price of NZD$15 million and up to a maximum of 7,033,120 shares. The number of shares is set in accordance with section 65 of the Companies Act 1993.

The number of shares purchased under the buyback from time to time will be notified to the NZX and ASX on the business day following the date on which those shares are bought back. Shares bought back will be cancelled upon acquisition, so the number of shares on issue will reduce accordingly.

The buyback programme is not expected to continue during any Prohibited Period (as defined in Sky’s Securities Trading Policy available on its website: This includes, in respect of Sky’s 2024 full year results, the period from the close of 30 May 2024 until the first trading day after Sky’s full year results announcement is made in August 2024 and a similar period from the close of 30 November 2024 until the first trading day after the release of its half year results in February 2025.

Throughout the buyback period, Sky will continue to assess market conditions, its prevailing share price, available investment opportunities and all other relevant considerations. Sky reserves the right to suspend without notice or terminate the buyback programme at any time.

Authorised by Kirstin Jones, Company Secretary
[email protected]

Investor queries to:
Amanda West
Investor Relations
[email protected]

Media queries to:
Chris Major
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer [email protected]

Announcement PDF

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