POT Capital Change Notice

Mon, Sep 23 2024 12:26 pm

Section 1: Issuer information
Name of issuer Port of Tauranga Limited (POT)
NZX ticker code POT
Class of financial product Unlisted 2024/2025 PSRs issued in accordance with the terms of the POT LTI Scheme.
ISIN (If unknown, check on NZX website) Not applicable
Currency $NZ
Section 2: Capital change details
Number issued 280,761 – 2024/2025 PSRs
Nominal value (if any) There is no nominal value for the PSRs.
Issue price per security No amount is payable for the grant of PSRs. One PSR gives the participant the potential to exercise that PSR for one ordinary share at no cost.
Nature of the payment (for example, cash or other consideration) Not applicable
Amount paid up (if not in full) Not applicable
Percentage of total class of Financial Products issued (calculated on the number of Financial Products of the Class, excluding any Treasury Stock, in existence) 280,761 PSRs represent approximately 0.041% of the ordinary shares on issue.
For an issue of Convertible Financial Products or Options, the principal terms of Conversion (for example the Conversion price and Conversion date and the ranking of the Financial Product in relation to other Classes of Financial Product) or the Option (for example, the exercise price and exercise date) Not applicable
Reason for issue and specific authority for issue (the reason for change must be identified here) Issue of 2024/2025 PSRs in accordance with the terms of the POT LTI Scheme to incentivise selected employees to grow the Company and to attract, motivate and retain key employees.
Total number of Financial Products of the Class after the issue (excluding Treasury Stock) and the total number of Financial Products of the Class held as Treasury Stock after the issue. 680,267,915 ordinary shares (excluding Treasury Stock).
313,315 ordinary shares held as Treasury Stock.

185,115 – 2022/2023 PSRs.
198,263 – 2023/2024 PSRs.
280,761 – 2024/2025 PSRs.
In the case of an acquisition of shares, whether those shares are to be held as treasury stock Not applicable
Specific authority for the issue, including a reference to the rule pursuant to which the issue, is made Directors’ resolution and certificate.

Listing Rules 4.9.1(b) and 4.11.1.
Terms or details of the issue (for example: restrictions, escrow arrangements) The 2024/2025 PSRs are issued in accordance with the terms of the POT LTI Scheme.
Date of issue 20/09/2024
Section 3: Authority for this announcement and contact person
Name of person authorised to make this announcement Simon Kebbell
Chief Financial Officer
Contact person for this announcement Simon Kebbell
Chief Financial Officer
Contact phone number 07 572 8809
Contact email address [email protected]

Date of release through MAP 23/09/2024

Announcement PDF

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