Results of Bremworth Limited Annual Meeting of shareholders
At Bremworth’s shareholder meeting, held at the Residium Design + Building Centre, 165 The Strand, Parnell, Auckland, and virtually via Computershare’s online meeting platform at, today, shareholders were asked to vote on two resolutions, which were supported by the Board.
As required by NZX Listing Rule 6.1, all voting was conducted by a poll.
The resolutions passed by shareholders were:
• Re-election of George Adams: That George Adams, who retires and who is eligible for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the Company.
• Auditor’s remuneration: That the directors be authorised to fix the remuneration of the auditor.
Detail of the total number of votes cast in person or by a proxy holder are:
Re-election of George Adams: For 24,804,856 (99.87%); Against 31,507 (0.13%); Abstain 51,632
Auditor’s remuneration: For 22,431,183 (99.91%); Against 20,263 (0.09%); Abstain 2,436,549
26 November 2024
Authority for this announcement
Name of person authorised to make this announcement: Victor Tan
Contact person for this announcement: Victor Tan
Contact phone number: +64 27 668 8963
Contact email address: [email protected]
The S&P/NZX 50 Index closed at 12,287.46, down 18.33 points or 0.15%.
The ERA’s determination stated that Winton had no regard for NZ employment law.
Docs reveal a bad first half of this financial year.
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