Me Today – Notice of Annual Shareholder Meeting

Thu, Nov 28 2024 09:15 am


Notice is given that the 2024 annual meeting of shareholders of Me Today Limited (the Company) will be held over Microsoft Teams on Monday 16 December 2024 commencing at 11:00am. Please register for the meeting by clicking the link in the Notice of Meeting or email [email protected] (providing your full name, shareholder number and associated organisation (if any).

To ensure registration, we advise shareholders to register by 4pm Friday 13 December 2024.


1 Chairman’s address

2 To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following ordinary resolution:

“That the directors of the Company be authorised to fix the fees and expenses of BDO as auditor of the Company.”

3 To consider any other business that can be properly brought before the meeting.
Explanatory notes regarding the resolutions are attached to this notice of meeting.
For and on behalf of the Board

Stephen Sinclair
28 November 2024


Auditor Remuneration

BDO is automatically reappointed as auditor of the company under section 207T of the Companies Act 1993 (the Act). Pursuant to section 207S of the Act, this resolution authorises the Directors to fix the fees and expenses of the auditor.


The resolution will be voted on by shareholders of the Company as an ordinary resolution. An ordinary resolution is a resolution passed by a simple majority of the votes cast of the shareholders entitled to vote and voting.
Voting on the resolutions will be by poll. Results of voting will be available after the conclusion of the meeting, and will be notified on NZX.

The only persons entitled to vote at the annual meeting are registered shareholders as at 5:00pm on Friday, 13 December 2024 and only the ordinary shares registered in those shareholders’ names may be voted at the annual meeting.

Any shareholder who is entitled to vote at the annual meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. A shareholder wishing to appoint a proxy should complete and return the Proxy Voting Form (enclosed with this notice of meeting) in the manner specified on the Proxy Voting Form so that the form is received by Computershare no later than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting. Alternatively, shareholders can appoint their proxies online at

A proxy does not have to be a shareholder in the Company. A shareholder may appoint any person to act as a proxy. The Chairman of the meeting or any other director can be a proxy for a shareholder if a shareholder wishes to appoint the Chairman or director as their proxy.

If, in appointing a proxy, you have inadvertently not named someone to be your proxy (either online or on the enclosed Proxy Voting Form), or your named proxy does not attend the meeting, the Chairman of the meeting will be your proxy, and will vote in accordance with your express direction. If appointed as a discretionary proxy, each Director and the Chairman intends to vote in favour of the resolution.

To direct your proxy how to vote on the resolution, you should tick the appropriate box on the enclosed Proxy Voting form (or using the online portal at Except as set out in the Proxy Voting Form, if you appoint a proxy, but do not tick one of the boxes in relation to a resolution, you will be deemed to have granted your proxy the discretion to cast your votes as he or she decides.

Any corporation that is a shareholder may appoint a person as its representative to attend the annual meeting and vote on its behalf, in the same manner as that in which it could appoint a proxy. A corporation wishing to appoint a person must ensure that the representative brings an original of the notice appointing him or her to the meeting. To assist administration, the Company would be grateful if notices appointing representatives are delivered to Computershare Investor Services Limited, Level 2, 159 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand (Private Bag 92119, Auckland 1142) at least 48 hours before the time of the meeting. If the note of appointment is not delivered to the Company’s Share Register prior to the meeting, the representative must bring to the meeting an original copy of the notice of appointment signed by the relevant company or body corporate.

Announcement PDF

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