Carbon Fund acquisition of CO2 units

Wed, Dec 04 2024 02:17 pm

Carbon Fund acquisition of CO2 units

Pursuant to Rule 3.13.1 of the NZX Listing Rules, we are pleased to provide the following information in relation to the acquisition of CO2 units by the Carbon Fund.

Name of Issuer: Carbon Fund

NZX ticker code: CO2

Class of financial product: Units in the Carbon Fund

ISIN number: NZCO2E0005S7

Currency: New Zealand dollars

Number of securities acquired: 359,519

Nominal value: $643,364.25

Acquisition Price: $1.7895

Nature of Payment: Cash

Amount Paid Up (if not in full): Fully Paid

Percentage of total class acquired: 1.0370% of total units on issue

Reason for acquisition: Units acquired as treasury stock pursuant to Master Trust Deed

Total number of fully paid ordinary units in existence after acquisition (excluding any treasury stock):


In the case of an acquisition of shares, whether those shares are to be held as treasury stock:

To be held as treasury stock

Authority for the issue: Pursuant to Master Trust Deed

Terms or details of the acquisition: Nil

Date of acquisition: 03/12/2024

For more information, please contact:
Call: 09 967 7276 during normal business hours
Email: [email protected]
Write to: Salt Investment Funds Limited, PO Box 106-587, Auckland, 1143

Announcement PDF

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