Allotment of distribution reinvestment plan units

Thu, Dec 12 2024 11:00 am

For the purposes of Listing Rule 3.13.1, Northwest Healthcare Properties Management Limited (the Manager) advises that the following new units in Vital Healthcare Property Trust (Vital) have been issued:

a) Class of financial product: Vital Healthcare Property Trust Ordinary Units
c) Number issued: 492,123
d) Issue price: $1.861635
e) Nature of the payment: Cash, pursuant to the Distribution reinvestment plan
f) Amount paid up: Fully paid
g) Percentage of total class of financial products issued: 0.07% of the total number of units on issue immediately prior to the issue of the new units
h) Reason for issue: Distribution reinvestment in respect of the distribution of 2.4375 cents per unit paid on 12 December 2024
i) Specific authority for issue: Distribution reinvestment plan
j) Total number of financial products of the class after the Issue: 676,561,204
k) Terms or details of the issue: The new units rank equally in all respects with existing ordinary units in Vital Healthcare Property Trust
l) Date of issue: 12 December 2024

– ENDS –


Aaron Hockly
Fund Manager, Vital Healthcare Property Trust
Tel 09 973 7301, Email [email protected]

Michael Groth
Chief Financial Officer, Northwest Healthcare Properties Management Limited
Tel +61 409 936 104, Email [email protected]

Announcement PDF

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