Update on director nominations and shareholder proposal
AUCKLAND, 12 March 2025: NZME Limited (NZX and ASX: NZM) (NZME) is aware of media reporting in The Australian regarding the director nominations and shareholder proposal received by NZME from James (Jim) Grenon and JTG 4 Limited, and the director nominations received from Osmium Partners, LLC.
Following the closing of the period for nominations of Directors (at 5.00pm on Tuesday 11 March), NZME advises that the names of the six persons for whom director nominations have been received from shareholders are:
1. Mr James (Jim) Grenon (nominated by James (Jim) Grenon and JTG 4 Limited);
2. Mr Philip Crump (nominated by James (Jim) Grenon and JTG 4 Limited);
3. Mr Desmond (Des) Gittings (nominated by James (Jim) Grenon and JTG 4 Limited);
4. Mr Simon West (nominated by James (Jim) Grenon and JTG 4 Limited);
5. Mr John Lewis (nominated by Osmium Partners, LLC); and
6. Mr Adam Hoydysh (nominated by Osmium Partners, LLC).
NZME is committed to ensuring that all shareholders receive complete and accurate information regarding the director nominations and shareholder proposal. As previously announced, NZME will provide further details on the nominations in the Notice of Meeting for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, to be sent in due course. This further information will include biographies of the nominees and the Directors’ assessment as to whether the nominees would, if appointed, qualify as Independent Directors for the purposes of the NZX Listing Rules. All shareholders will be able to review all information prior to the Annual Shareholders Meeting.
Authorised by Barbara Chapman, Chairman.
For further information:
David Mackrell
Chief Financial Officer
+64 21 311 911
[email protected]
Kelly Gunn
GM Communications
+64 27 213 5625
[email protected]
The S&P/NZX 50 Index closed at 12,249.55, down 161.42 points or 1.3%.
The money will fund acquisitions and general corporate and working capital purposes.
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