
Opinion and analysis from Pattrick Smellie, Peter Griffin, David Chaplin and Cameron Bagrie and a top-level group of New Zealand experts, including the BusinessDesk editorial team.
OPINION: How RBNZ softened up the banks to accept higher capital rules
Finance Free

Jenny Ruth: OPINION: How RBNZ softened up the banks to accept higher capital rules

It looks like a classic negotiation strategy: hit 'em hard with an extreme-sounding proposition, weather all the flack and pushback, and then finally come out with a "compromise" position that was probably close to what you wanted all along.So it was for the Reserve Bank's final...

Jenny Ruth 06 Dec 2019
OPINION: Labour's timely bribe
Economy Free

Pattrick Smellie: OPINION: Labour's timely bribe

The 2020 election campaign has now started.Labour's declaration of a new, larger infrastructure spending package for release just before everyone heads to the beach for the summer is politically masterful.For a start, it comes after two years of Finance Minister Grant Robertson b...

Pattrick Smellie 02 Dec 2019
OPINION: Climate posturing wins over genuine action
Policy Free

Gavin Evans: OPINION: Climate posturing wins over genuine action

Greenpeace’s occupation of the Skandi Atlantic this week is a discouraging reminder that after 20 years of debate on climate change, highly stage-managed climate posturing counts for more than action to actually reduce emissions.That members of our elected government still take a...

Gavin Evans 28 Nov 2019
OPINION: Google, George Orwell, and me
Services Free

Pattrick Smellie: OPINION: Google, George Orwell, and me

If you want to feel powerless, try asking Google to explain why your 12 year-old business news service has been rejected as a verified news source by the faceless team of “dedicated experts” at Google News.Since early 2008, BusinessDesk has been publishing somewhere between seven...

Pattrick Smellie 26 Nov 2019