Who runs NZ?
Diana Sarfati
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Diana Sarfati

Cancer Control Agency / Te Aho o Te Kahu

Chief executive and national director of cancer control

  • Public health physician, cancer epidemiologist and health services researcher.
  • Previously head of the Department of Public Health, and was director of the cancer and chronic conditions research group at University of Otago, Wellington.
  • Has led a large body of research on disparities in cancer outcomes.
  • A member of numerous international committees, and led a Lancet oncology series on cancer in small island developing states.
  • Former member of many national groups, programmes and committees.
  • Qualifications include MBChB, MPH, PhD, and FNZCPHM.


University of Otago
Professor, Associate Professor
Jan 2006 - Dec 2019
Cancer Control Agency / Te Aho o Te Kahu
Chief Executive Officer
Dec 2019 - Present

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