Who runs NZ?
Jo Brosnahan
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Jo Brosnahan

Maritime NZ / Nō te rere moana Aotearoa


  • Appointed December 2018.
  • Also chair of Harrison Grierson.
  • Previously chair or director of entities including Northpower Fibre, Landcare Research and Housing NZ.
  • Founder and founding chair of Leadership NZ, chair of the Leadership NZ Ambassadors and also founding chair of the Taitokerau Education Trust, Northland.
  • Former CEO of the Northland and Auckland Regional Councils.
  • National president and fellow of the Institute of Directors, and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.
  • Researched leadership in the US as a Harkness Fellow and Aspen Scholar.


Northpower Fibre
Apr 2011 - Present
Leaders for the Future
Jan 2013 - Present
Taitokerau Education Trust
Aug 2014 - Present
Maritime NZ / Nō te rere moana Aotearoa
Jul 2018 - Present
Harrison Grierson
Feb 2019 - Present

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