Who runs NZ?
Louise Nicholson
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Louise Nicholson

Financial Markets Authority / Te Mana Tatai Hokohoko

Director of external communications and investor capability

  • An experienced communications professional who has worked in NZ, Australia and Asia.
  • Previously worked in the corporate affairs team at ANZ Bank and earlier a partner at a public affairs agency, running their operations in NZ, then Asia.
  • A former journalist, Louise has also held public affairs roles in Sydney and worked as a government press secretary in Australia.


NSW Minister of Transport
Senior Press Officer
Jun 1990 - Dec 1992
Kortlang Sydney
General Manager
Jan 1993 - Dec 1995
Baldwin Boyle Group
Jan 1996 - Dec 2013
Manager Corporate Affairs
Jun 2014 - Mar 2019
Financial Markets Authority / Te Mana Tatai Hokohoko
Director - External Communications & Investor Capability
Mar 2019 - Present

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