Who runs NZ?
Rod Carr
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Rod Carr

Climate Change Commission / He Pou a Rangi


  • Previously chair and non-executive director of the Reserve Bank of NZ, deputy governor and briefly acting governor.
  • Founding chair of the National Infrastructure Advisory Board and for more than a decade a non-executive director of the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce.
  • Vice chancellor of the University of Canterbury for 10 years, and holds a PhD in insurance and risk management, an MA in applied economics and managerial science, an MBA in money and finance and honours degrees in law and economics.


Reserve Bank of New Zealand / Te Pūtea Matua
Deputy Governor
Jul 1998 - Jul 2003
Jade Software Corp Ltd
Managing Director
Jul 2003 - Feb 2009
University of Canterbury
Feb 2009 - Present
The Arts Centre - Christchurch
May 2017 - Present

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