Who runs NZ?
Tania Winslade
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Tania Winslade

NZ Institute of Skills and Technology / Te Pūkenga

Deputy chief executive, learner journey and experience

  • Formerly held an executive leadership role at Auckland Council.
  • Has worked around the globe as a commercial lawyer and in international development.
  • Since returning, has held senior leadership roles focused on supporting Māori and all NZers, including in public law and policy, strategy, economic development, governance, people and organisational performance, and local government.
  • Of Ngāti Awa descent.


Obelisk Support
Legal Consultant
Aug 2013 - Jun 2016
Independent Maori Statutory Board
Principal Advisor Economic Development
Dec 2013 - Mar 2017
Tōā Education
Director and Founder
Apr 2016 - Jun 2018
Auckland Council
Executive Leadership Team, General Manager Ngā Mātārae/Māori Outcomes, Executive Officer, People and Performance
Dec 2017 - Nov 2020
NZ Institute of Skills and Technology / Te Pūkenga
Deputy Chief Executive Learner Journey & Experience
Nov 2020 - Present

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