Who runs NZ?
Vaughan Payne
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Vaughan Payne

NZ Institute of Skills and Technology / Te Pūkenga

Deputy chief executive, operations

  • Prior to joining Te Pūkenga was CE of Waikato Regional Council, working to unlock the region’s growth potential while supporting its environment and people.
  • Has helped lead national system improvements in planning and freshwater management, and is a steering group member of He Waka Eke Noa primary sector climate action partnership.
  • Has experience in the public and private sectors.
  • Of Whakatōhea and Ngāi Tai descent.


Boffa Miskell
Principal; Senior Planner
Jan 2001 - Dec 2003
Opotiki District Council
Chief Executive, Environment and Planning Manager
Jan 2003 - Dec 2010
Waikato Regional Council
Chief Executive Officer, Policy and Transport Group Manager
Mar 2010 - Sep 2020
He Waka Eke Noa Primary Sector Climate Action Partnership
Steering Committee Member
Mar 2020 - Present
NZ Institute of Skills and Technology / Te Pūkenga
Deputy Chief Executive Operations
Oct 2020 - Present

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