Who runs NZ?
Trevor Simpson
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Trevor Simpson


Chief advisor, Māori

  • Appointed October 2020.
  • Previously with the Health Promotion Forum for nine years, previous experience in Te Tiriti o Waitangi settlement process, Māori social development, and special youth projects.
  • Earlier an elected member of the global executive board of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education, co-chair of the International Network for Indigenous Health Promotion Practitioners, and a national White Ribbon ambassador.
  • Of Tuhoe and Ngāti Awa descent.


Community and Public Health Canterbury DHB
Maori Health Promoter
Feb 2006 - Apr 2010
Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand
Senior Health Promotion Strategist
Apr 2010 - Apr 2012
Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand
Deputy Executive Director
Apr 2012 - Present

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