The Wall Street Journal

The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt: For Teddy, family mattered

The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt: For Teddy, family mattered
Theodore Roosevelt was president of the United States from 1901 to 1909. (Image: US Library of Congress)
The Wall Street Journal
By Melanie KirkpatrickHas there ever been a more manly US president than Theodore Roosevelt? Big-game hunter in Africa, soldier leading the Rough Riders up Cuba’s San Juan Hill, cattle rancher and defender of the mighty bison in the Dakotas. The nation’s youngest president (at age 42) was a man of action, his name synonymous with vigour, strength and vitality.Less known than his physical exploits is the interesting fact that this paragon of masculinity had views about women that were radical for his day. In 1880, four decades b...

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