Why are today’s young people ambivalent about having kids?

Why are today’s young people ambivalent about having kids?
For many women, having babies is not as crucial as it was for their parents and grandparents. (Image: Depositphotos)
The Washington Post
By Katha PollittTwenty years ago, I was asked to write a blurb for a book called Women Who Think Too Much. I was indignant. How can a woman think too much? Thinking is good! The very idea is sexist; nobody would write a book called Men Who Think Too Much. Two decades later, that book is still in print, and I’m coming around to it. If thinking means brooding, worrying, ruminating and dwelling, maybe it is indeed possible to think too much – so much that you drain the joy out of any course of action and for so long that you run o...

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