Is NZ going backwards not forwards?

Is NZ going backwards not forwards?
(Image: Getty)
Julia Jones
As 2023 draws to a close, I find myself immersed in deep contemplation. This year has been a crucible of sorts, testing our resilience in ways reminiscent of a Navy Seal's endurance. New Zealand, across businesses and communities, feels like it has struggled to navigate the tumultuous seas, revealing a few of the nation's cracks. The year's journey could be likened to wrangling a defiant cat – full of squirms, bites and scratches. It symbolises our collective grappling with change, our sometimes-futile resistance aga...

More Economy

One of South Korea's biggest banks pulls out of NZ

One of South Korea's biggest banks pulls out of NZ

KB Kookmin is the second overseas bank to exit the NZ retail market in 18 months. 

Govt to consider not taxing NZ Super Fund

Govt to consider not taxing NZ Super Fund

Foreign investment fund and thin cap rules are also to be reviewed.

BNZ warns of Trump govt headwinds for NZ

BNZ warns of Trump govt headwinds for NZ

Some sort of protectionism is a given, BNZ says. 

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Two-year inflation expectations inch higher

Two-year inflation expectations inch higher

Respondents still tip a 50bps rate cut this month. 

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