The number of filled jobs bounced back for a second consecutive month in September with a modest increase of 7,265.

That followed a similarly modest increase of 6,384 in August, with both equating to about a 0.3 percent increase in filled jobs, data from Statistics NZ showed.

The labour market has still not recovered to pre-pandemic job levels, with 30,000 fewer jobs in September than in March.

And some industries are still suffering. Administration and support roles have led job losses since March with 10,000 fewer jobs and month-on-month decreases continuing.

That's followed by manufacturing, transport postal and warehousing, and agriculture, forestry and fishing. Although the latter may be down to seasonal differences.

Accommodation and food services has also suffered, losing more than 6,000 jobs since March.

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Only six sectors of the labour force saw any increase in filled jobs since March. The biggest came in public administration and safety followed by healthcare and social assistance, and construction.

While the construction numbers are encouraging, data suggests new jobs are tending to come from public sector.