Govt reallocates $84m of NZ On Air cash to new public media entity

Govt reallocates $84m of NZ On Air cash to new public media entity
Broadcasting minister Willie Jackson outlined his expectations for NZ On Air funding. (Image: NZME)
Daniel Dunkley
The government has reallocated more than $80 million a year in NZ on Air funds to the new public broadcast entity, Aotearoa NZ Public Media – a move that will leave the commercial sector competing for a smaller pool of crown funding.In an announcement late on Friday afternoon, the independent crown entity said it had been “formally advised” to carve out $84m a year for the new parent of Television NZ and Radio NZ. The changes will take effect from 2023-2024 if the new entity goes ahead as expected.NZ On Air chair Ruth Harley s...

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