Interoperability – the real answer to breaking Big Tech’s stranglehold

Interoperability – the real answer to breaking Big Tech’s stranglehold
Proponents of a decentralised web, based on blockchain technologies, envisage a future where you own your identity and take it with you across the web. (Image: Pexels)
Peter Griffin
2021 was a trainwreck of a year for the Big Tech companies on one hand and a golden era on the other.It started with the storming of the Capitol riot in Washington DC on Jan 6, a shameful event in US history that was largely organised via messaging apps and social media platforms. That led to the long-overdue de-platforming of Donald Trump by Twitter, Youtube and Facebook, but exposed the inconsistencies in their content moderation policies, particularly when applied to celebrity users with tens of millions of followers. By October, f...

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