China’s divorce rate soars. Cue the big wedding photo shredder

China’s divorce rate soars. Cue the big wedding photo shredder
Wedding photos about to be destroyed. The resulting debris is sent to a waste-to-energy facility, where it becomes biofuel. (Image: Yufan Lu for The Washington Post
The Washington Post
By Yufan Lu and Lyric LiLiu Wei calls himself a “love story morgue operator”.Since leaving his job at a state-owned pharmaceutical company in Beijing in 2022, Liu has been running a business as a professional shredder of documents and other personal information at a factory warehouse in Langfang, just south of the capital. It was not a particularly lucrative endeavour until Liu seized upon a “blue ocean” market early last year: urban divorcees who want to get rid of their wedding photos.“We are a crematorium o...

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