The Wall Street Journal

Households are divided over how to load the dishwasher

Households are divided over how to load the dishwasher
Sixty-five per cent of Americans agree there’s a “right and a wrong way” to load a dishwasher. (Image: The Wall Street Journal, iStock)
The Wall Street Journal
By Natasha KhanNina and Stephen Edwards have been on the same page for most things in their 25-year marriage: what to have for dinner, where to holiday, where to set the thermostat in their New York City home. But there is one thing they can’t agree on: how best to load the dishwasher. Nina, an illustrator and adjunct lecturer at the Pratt Institute private university, has a more freewheeling approach. Just make sure everything fits. “It might look random and messy,” she says, “but I know where it all is.”Step...

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