1. Which two former prime ministers are members of the Order of New Zealand, which is restricted to 20 living recipients?
  2. The bone known as the maxilla is found in which part of the body?
  3. The word “nerd” first appeared in print in a 1950 book by what American humourist and children’s writer?
  4. If you landed at Yellowknife airport, what country would you be in?
  5. Which country has won the FIFA World Cup five times: Brazil, Germany, Spain or Argentina?
  6. “Whiti atu koe hine” is a line from what?
  7. What classic 1964 Disney musical film recently had its British censorship rating revised because it features the word “Hottentots”, now considered a pejorative term for an indigenous race from southern Africa?
  8. What would you do with a howdah: wear it, sleep on it or ride in it?
  9. Name the year in which the National party was founded, Berlin hosted the Olympic Games, and a civil war broke out in Spain.
  10. Al Jarreau sang the hit theme song from what 1980s TV series?

Please scroll down for the answers:


ANSWERS: 1. Jim Bolger and Helen Clark; 2. The head (it’s the upper jawbone); 3. Dr Seuss (Theodore Geisel); 4. Canada; 5. Brazil; 6. The song Pokarekare Ana; 7. Mary Poppins; 8. Ride in it; 9. 1936; 10. Moonlighting.