- What did the English poet Lord Alfred Douglas describe as the love that dare not speak its name?
- What famous English writer of children’s stories invented the word “chortle”?
- The Sea of Azov lies between which two countries?
- What word followed “Burning”, “Modern” and “Everlasting” in the titles of hit songs by Elvis Presley, David Bowie and the Love Affair?
- Complete the title of a novel by Tom Wolfe that subsequently became a film: “The Bonfire of the …”
- What famous director rose to prominence with a 1971 film called “Duel”?
- In 1912, what political activist – later to become his country’s leader – adopted a surname meaning “steel”?
- “Desert Storm” was the code name for a US-led military operation against what country?
- What word can follow runner, French and black?
- Which Hollywood actress delivered the famous line: “You know how to whistle, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow”?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Homosexuality; 2. Lewis Carroll; 3. Ukraine and Russia; 4. Love; 5. Vanities; 6. Steven Spielberg; 7. Joseph Stalin; 8. Iraq; 9. Bean; 10. Lauren Bacall.