1. What did the English poet Lord Alfred Douglas describe as the love that dare not speak its name?
  2. What famous English writer of children’s stories invented the word “chortle”?
  3. The Sea of Azov lies between which two countries?
  4. What word followed “Burning”, “Modern” and “Everlasting” in the titles of hit songs by Elvis Presley, David Bowie and the Love Affair?
  5. Complete the title of a novel by Tom Wolfe that subsequently became a film: “The Bonfire of the …”
  6. What famous director rose to prominence with a 1971 film called “Duel”?
  7. In 1912, what political activist – later to become his country’s leader – adopted a surname meaning “steel”?
  8. “Desert Storm” was the code name for a US-led military operation against what country?
  9. What word can follow runner, French and black?
  10. Which Hollywood actress delivered the famous line: “You know how to whistle, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow”?


Please scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Homosexuality; 2. Lewis Carroll; 3. Ukraine and Russia; 4. Love; 5. Vanities; 6. Steven Spielberg; 7. Joseph Stalin; 8. Iraq; 9. Bean; 10. Lauren Bacall.