- What two countries fought in the short-lived Winter War of 1939-40?
- What does the word “sentient” mean: having psychic abilities, being capable of feeling or having the ability to reason?
- What word can follow: balance, clean or rap?
- Where is Motutapu Island: the Hauraki Gulf, the Bay of Islands or the Marlborough Sounds?
- In what country would you hear the greeting “kia orana”?
- On a map of the South Island, what word can precede Sound, River and Bridge?
- Was Spring-heeled Jack a highwayman, a fantasy figure in folklore or a famous circus entertainer?
- Where would you find a bargeboard: on a house, a yacht or a wharf?
- Frederick Moore co-founded a Wellington wholesale merchant’s business in 1918 that’s still prominent in the city. What was his partner’s surname?
- What is the title of an earl’s wife?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Finland and the Soviet Union; 2. Being capable of feeling; 3. Sheet; 4. The Hauraki Gulf; 5. The Cook Islands; 6. Pelorus; 7. A fantasy figure in folklore; 8. A house; 9. Wilson; 10. Countess.