1. What two countries fought in the short-lived Winter War of 1939-40?
  2. What does the word “sentient” mean: having psychic abilities, being capable of feeling or having the ability to reason?
  3. What word can follow: balance, clean or rap?
  4. Where is Motutapu Island: the Hauraki Gulf, the Bay of Islands or the Marlborough Sounds?
  5. In what country would you hear the greeting “kia orana”?
  6. On a map of the South Island, what word can precede Sound, River and Bridge?
  7. Was Spring-heeled Jack a highwayman, a fantasy figure in folklore or a famous circus entertainer?
  8. Where would you find a bargeboard: on a house, a yacht or a wharf?
  9. Frederick Moore co-founded a Wellington wholesale merchant’s business in 1918 that’s still prominent in the city. What was his partner’s surname?
  10. What is the title of an earl’s wife?

Please scroll down for the answers:


ANSWERS: 1. Finland and the Soviet Union; 2. Being capable of feeling; 3. Sheet; 4. The Hauraki Gulf; 5. The Cook Islands; 6. Pelorus; 7. A fantasy figure in folklore; 8. A house; 9. Wilson; 10. Countess.