1. What commonly used items have a standard measurement of 85.6mm by 53.98mm?
  2. California’s Santa Clara Valley is often referred to by what nickname?
  3. Who was the last elected New Zealand prime minister not to come from Auckland?
  4. Where would you see a catafalque?
  5. What is the name of the pigment that gives grass and other green plants their colour?
  6. The American Kelly Slater won a record 11 world championships in what sport?
  7. Which of the following African countries is not a former British colony: Kenya, Somalia, Sudan or Nigeria?
  8. What would you do with a passacaglia: dance to it, walk through it or grow it?
  9. What company makes Juicy Fruit chewing gum?
  10. Name the year in which Jimmy Carter became US president, “Rocky” won the Academy Award for Best Picture, and the Eagles released “Hotel California”.

Please scroll down for the answers: 


ANSWERS: 1. Bank cards and credit cards; 2. Silicon Valley; 3. Jim Bolger; 4. At a funeral or memorial service; 5. Chlorophyll; 6. Surfing; 7. Somalia; 8. Dance to it; 9. Wrigley’s; 10. 1977.