- Which New Zealand prime minister was a former professor of law at the University of Iowa?
- On a map of Australia, what word precedes Kembla, Douglas and Augusta?
- What famous singer and actress attended high school in Brooklyn, New York, with Neil Diamond and chess prodigy Bobby Fischer?
- In British politics, who is Sadiq Khan?
- In a classic novel that was made into an Oscar-winning film, what was the surname of the doctor whom Lara Antipova was in love with?
- Which female name is most commonly featured in song titles: Susie, Maria or Mary?
- What former All Black captain has the first names Wayne Thomas?
- What mountain of significance in New Zealand history took its name from a figure in Greek mythology who personified darkness?
- What singer has a band called the Bad Seeds?
- The American entrepreneur J Willard Marriott founded a company that is now the world’s largest operator of what?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Sir Geoffrey Palmer; 2. Port; 3. Barbra Streisand; 4. Mayor of London; 5. Zhivago; 6. Mary; 7. Buck Shelford; 8. Mt Erebus; 9. Nick Cave; 10. Hotels.
● Question 3 has been corrected: Bobby Fischer, not Gary Fischer, was the chess prodigy.