1. Which country has the longest coastline in the world? 
  2. Which animal lives in a drey?
  3. In degrees Celsius, what is the normal body temperature?
  4. Who is the hero in the best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code?
  5. Which food, not rationed during World War II, was rationed after it?
  6. Which two singers dueted on the song Dancing in the Streets in 1985?
  7. True or False: Shakespeare`s Macbeth was a real person?
  8. Heliophobia is the fear of what?  
  9. In which century did Christopher Columbus die?
  10. Which country has the largest Christian population?

Scroll down for the answers: 

ANSWERS: 1. Canada; 2. A squirrel; 3. 37; 4. Professor Robert Langdon; 5. Bread; 6. David Bowie and Mick Jagger; 7. True; 8. The sun; 9. 16th; 10. The United States.

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