1. What is the common factor linking the founder of Amazon with an actor from the “Jurassic Park” movies and a former lead guitarist for British pop group the Yardbirds?
  2. Which American city has a professional football team called the 49ers?
  3. The 18th century economist Adam Smith, known as the father of capitalism, came from what country?
  4. Batik Air is an airline based in what country?
  5. What breed of dog was introduced to New Zealand to reduce the rampant hare population?
  6. Ichthyology is the study of what?
  7. Is Bergdorf Goodman of New York an investment bank, an advertising agency or a department store?
  8. What performance-enhancing car engine modification is known as a blower?
  9. Complete the list of countries that make up rugby’s Six Nations competition: England, France, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and …?
  10. The dish known as a croque madame includes what meat?

Please scroll down for the answers:


ANSWERS: 1. The first name Jeff (Bezos, Goldblum and Beck); 2. San Francisco; 3. Scotland; 4. Malaysia; 5. The greyhound; 6. Fish; 7. A department store; 8. The supercharger; 9. Italy; 10. Ham.