- What biblical name was the most popular male baby name in New Zealand last year?
- What ingredient provides the colour in a pink gin?
- In a famous phrase from a speech in 1946, what did Winston Churchill say had descended across the European continent?
- What entertainer is known by the nickname Tay Tay?
- Name the year in which 11 people died in a hot air balloon crash near Carterton, Kim Dotcom was arrested for Internet piracy, and Sanatarium’s stocks of Marmite ran out.
- Barilla, La Molisana, De Cecco and Ghiotti are brands of what?
- The cities of Stellenbosch (South Africa), Mendoza (Argentina) and Dijon (France) are associated with what industry?
- In which NZ province would you ride the St James Cycle Trail?
- What country has an international airport named after James Bond creator Ian Fleming?
- “Novocastrian” is a term for someone from what Australian city?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Noah; 2. Angostura bitters; 3. An iron curtain; 4. Taylor Swift; 5. 2012; 6. Pasta; 7. Wine; 8. Canterbury; 9. Jamaica; 10. Newcastle.