1. What biblical name was the most popular male baby name in New Zealand last year?
  2. What ingredient provides the colour in a pink gin?
  3. In a famous phrase from a speech in 1946, what did Winston Churchill say had descended across the European continent?
  4. What entertainer is known by the nickname Tay Tay?
  5. Name the year in which 11 people died in a hot air balloon crash near Carterton, Kim Dotcom was arrested for Internet piracy, and Sanatarium’s stocks of Marmite ran out.
  6. Barilla, La Molisana, De Cecco and Ghiotti are brands of what?
  7. The cities of Stellenbosch (South Africa), Mendoza (Argentina) and Dijon (France) are associated with what industry?
  8. In which NZ province would you ride the St James Cycle Trail?
  9. What country has an international airport named after James Bond creator Ian Fleming?
  10. “Novocastrian” is a term for someone from what Australian city?

Please scroll down for the answers:


ANSWERS: 1. Noah; 2. Angostura bitters; 3. An iron curtain; 4. Taylor Swift; 5. 2012; 6. Pasta; 7. Wine; 8. Canterbury; 9. Jamaica; 10. Newcastle.