- What does the “A” stand for in the acronym Aukus?
- Which US city is known as the Athens of the South: Nashville, Atlanta or Tulsa?
- In which century did bubonic plague, aka the Black Death, devastate Europe: the ninth, the 12th or the 14th?
- The Māori warrior chief Titokowaru was active in which New Zealand region?
- Who or what is depicted in pictures and sculptures known as pieta?
- The bacterium that causes tetanus is found where: in soil, contaminated food or water?
- What word can follow Swiss, spring and Eskimo?
- What historical figure was played by Joaquin Phoenix in an epic movie made in 2023?
- Which New Zealand city is named after a port in the English county of Devon?
- What is pelota?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Australia; 2. Nashville; 3. The 14th; 4. Taranaki; 5. The Virgin Mary holding the body of Christ; 6. In soil; 7. Roll; 8. Napoleon Bonaparte; 9. New Plymouth; 10. A sport.