- What TV character said of the human race: “I find their logic and foolish emotions a constant irritant”?
- What was the title of a best-selling 2023 memoir by Prince Harry?
- From which language did we get the word barbecue: Spanish, French or Turkish?
- On a map of New Zealand, what word follows Deep, Curious and Punga?
- In a classic hit song by the Hollies, what line followed the opening words: “The road is long”?
- Claas, Krone, Deutz Fahr and Case IH are brands of what?
- By changing one letter, what word meaning an open space in a forest can be altered to one meaning a sharp piece of metal?
- What word can precede fishing, screen or tipping?
- When pro-Palestinian protesters chant “From the river to the sea”, what river do they mean?
- Which country has the biggest population: Canada, Kenya or Australia?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Mr Spock; 2. Spare; 3. Spanish; 4. Cove; 5. “With many a winding turn”; 6. Farm machinery; 7. Glade/blade; 8. Fly; 9. The River Jordan; 10. Kenya.