1. In which decade was the Barbie doll launched?
  2. What American radio music show was founded in 1925 and is still broadcast live every Saturday night?
  3. What is the basis for the numbers displayed on rural letter boxes in New Zealand?
  4. The Hollywood actress Farrah Fawcett rose to fame under the name Farrah Fawcett-Majors in what 1970s TV series?
  5. What New Zealand racing driver was nicknamed the Bear?
  6. Complete the title of a popular operetta composed by Franz Lehar: “The Merry …”
  7. Cradle Mountain is in which Australian state?
  8. Who famously said, “Hell is other people”: Greta Garbo, Jean-Paul Sartre or John Lennon?
  9. In Britain, what do the letters HMP (as in HMP Belmarsh) stand for?
  10. In the words of a popular American song, where did the singer meet his little bright-eyed doll?


Please scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. The 1950s; 2. The Grand Ole Opry; 3. They are based on the distance from the start of the road (eg 4.8 km=480); 4. Charlie’s Angels; 5. Denny Hulme; 6. Widow; 7. Tasmania; 8. Jean-Paul Sartre; 9. His Majesty’s Prison; 10. Down by the riverside.