The Wall Street Journal

The rent-a-crowd's ‘Omnicause’ is collapsing

The rent-a-crowd's ‘Omnicause’ is collapsing
Greta Thunberg and other anti-Israel activists staged a sit-down in a bid to prevent arrests outside the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmo, Sweden. (Image: Getty)
The Wall Street Journal
By Andy KesslerDid I see climate warrior Greta Thunberg wearing a kaffiyeh? Sure enough, there she was last month in a mob screaming “Shame on you!” outside the Eurovision Song Contest, where an Israeli performer competed. Welcome to the Omnicause. If you protest one thing, you protest everything – intersectional inanity. Like Queers for Palestine, which makes as much sense as “Chickens for KFC”. Fortunately, the Omnicause is beginning to collapse under the weight of its logical fallacies.Viewed through the lens of...

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