
CORRECT: The story behind the collapse of Allan Hubbard's financial empire
Law & Regulation

Jenny Ruth: CORRECT: The story behind the collapse of Allan Hubbard's financial empire

(Corrects details of Humphry Rolleston's sale of his company to Southbury in par 13) By Jenny Ruth May 6 (BusinessDesk) - Government officials wrongly decided after a flying visit to his Timaru headquarters that financier Allan Hubbard had stolen money from Aorangi Securiti...

Jenny Ruth 05 May 2019
Class action against Southern Response gains Aussie funder

Class action against Southern Response gains Aussie funder

By Jenny Ruth May 6 (BusinessDesk) - About 3,000 Canterbury residents who believe they were short-changed in their insurance settlements with Southern Response now have the backing of an Australian litigation funder for their roughly $300 million claim. Lawyer Grant Cameron...

Jenny Ruth 05 May 2019
US earnings season adds weight to Fed's up-beat view

US earnings season adds weight to Fed's up-beat view

By Jenny Ruth May 6 (BusinessDesk) - Corporate America is adding weight to the Federal Reserve's upbeat view of the US economy with about three-quarters of the S&P 500 Index companies that have reported so far beating earnings forecasts. With only about 50 companies still t...

Jenny Ruth 05 May 2019
Govt blocks land sale for Waihi tailings expansion
Primary Sector

Govt blocks land sale for Waihi tailings expansion

By Gavin Evans May 3 (BusinessDesk) - Miner OceanaGold has had its bid to buy land for a new tailings dam near its Waihi mine turned down by the government. The ASX-listed firm, New Zealand’s biggest gold miner, is mostly owned by US and UK investors and needed Overseas Inv...

Gavin Evans 03 May 2019