
New Zealand’s charitable sector income - at $21.19 billion - is comparable to the value of its dairy exports.
The business of giving employs 145,000 people full-time, roughly as many as the transport and financial services sector employ combined, according to Stats NZ figures. 
Adding to this, more than 217,000 volunteers contribute approximately 1.7 million hours of their time every week.
There are almost 30,000 charities in NZ, overseen by Charities Services, a division of the department of internal affairs.
Yet just a handful of regulator investigations take place each year, and only a few charities are ever struck off. 
There is such goodwill in the charities sector that little scrutiny is afforded to these entities, the people who run them, and the things they spend money on.
That’s where we come in.
Charities regulator more guide dog than watchdog

Charities regulator more guide dog than watchdog

Regulator opts more for education than enforcement. 

Oliver Lewis 17 May 2022
Big giver: Mainfreight’s Bruce Plested

Big giver: Mainfreight’s Bruce Plested

Mainfreight founder Bruce Plested talks about how his love of books is helping boost educational standards in New Zealand.

Greg Hurrell 13 May 2022
Charities tax change nets $500k from Gloriavale

Charities tax change nets $500k from Gloriavale

To get tax benefits, businesses controlled by charities now need to be registered themselves.

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Charities regulator launches Gloriavale probe

Charities regulator launches Gloriavale probe

A major employment court decision has prompted the regulator to take a fresh look at Gloriavale.

Oliver Lewis 11 May 2022