
New Zealand’s charitable sector income - at $21.19 billion - is comparable to the value of its dairy exports.
The business of giving employs 145,000 people full-time, roughly as many as the transport and financial services sector employ combined, according to Stats NZ figures. 
Adding to this, more than 217,000 volunteers contribute approximately 1.7 million hours of their time every week.
There are almost 30,000 charities in NZ, overseen by Charities Services, a division of the department of internal affairs.
Yet just a handful of regulator investigations take place each year, and only a few charities are ever struck off. 
There is such goodwill in the charities sector that little scrutiny is afforded to these entities, the people who run them, and the things they spend money on.
That’s where we come in.
How to give away $35 mllion

How to give away $35 mllion

Anna Stuck has probably been best known as the former partner of Xero founder Rod Drury.  That may be about to change.

Greg Hurrell 23 Jun 2022
Mormons' labour of loyalty
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Mormons' labour of loyalty

In the second part of a BusinessDesk three-part series on the Mormon Church, we ask how much work Mormons do for their church.

Murray Jones 22 Jun 2022
Riches of Heaven: More Mormons, more money
Full Page Free Investigation

Riches of Heaven: More Mormons, more money

This is the first part of a three-part series on the Mormon church in New Zealand, supported by NZ On Air. Read the second part, Labour of Loyalty, tomorrow.

Murray Jones 21 Jun 2022
NZ Mormon investigation released tomorrow
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NZ Mormon investigation released tomorrow

Boasting $424 million in assets, the Mormon church is New Zealand’s third wealthiest centralised religious group and 20th richest charity.

Murray Jones 20 Jun 2022