EROAD is a fully integrated technology, tolling and services provider. It designs and manufactures in-vehicle hardware, operate secure payment and merchant gateways and offer web-based value-added services. It was the first company to implement a GNSS/cellular-based road charging solution across an entire country. Its advanced technology provides road charging, compliance and commercial services with the same platform to lower overall client and delivery costs.

Company Details

Registered Office: 260 Oteha Valley Road, Albany Auckland 0632
Postal Address: PO Box 305394, Triton Plaza, North Shore, Auckland 0757
Telephone: +64-09-927-4747
Facsimile: n/a
First Listed: 15/08/2014
Balance Date: 31 March
AGM: 28/07/2023

Directors and Executives

Barry Einsig
Independent Director
Tony Gibson
Independent Director
Sara Gifford
Independent Director
Mark Heine
Chief Executive Officer
Susan Paterson
Independent Director
Selwyn Pellett
Graham Stuart
Graham Stuart
Independent Director
Margaret Warrington Chief Financial Officer


Title Date Type
Ongoing Disclosure Notices Thu, Jun 27 2024 09:38 am SHINTR
EROAD 2024 Annual Shareholders Meeting Results Wed, Jun 26 2024 02:25 pm MEETING
EROAD 2024 Annual Shareholders Meeting Addresses Wed, Jun 26 2024 12:04 pm MEETING
EROAD signs material customer contract Wed, Jun 26 2024 08:30 am GENERAL
Capital Change Notice - ordinary shares Mon, Jun 24 2024 03:53 pm SECISSUE
Capital Change Notice - ordinary shares Mon, Jun 24 2024 03:48 pm SECISSUE
Capital Change Notice - ordinary shares Mon, Jun 24 2024 03:38 pm SECISSUE
Capital Change Notice - Issue of Performance Share Rights Wed, Jun 12 2024 12:03 pm SECISSUE
SPH Notice - Ampfield Management, L.P Thu, Jun 06 2024 08:55 am SHINTR
Notice of 2024 Annual Meeting Tue, May 28 2024 08:30 am MEETING

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
26/06/23 National Nominees Ltd ACF Australia 6,943,381 8.39 6.15
22/06/23 Brillian 20,025,091 - 17.73
23/01/23 Jarden Securities Limited 5,533,631 5.17 4.91
10/01/23 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 7,544,469 7.78 6.70
06/12/22 Jarden Securities Limited and Harbo 5,447,067 5.06 4.92
28/07/22 Colonial First State Investments Li 7,334,835 5.59 6.62
13/04/22 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc 7,359,597 5.67 6.67
03/12/21 Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacif 5,491,414 6.07 4.98
05/08/21 Steven Newman and NMC Trustees Limi 13,616,038 16.53 14.57
29/09/20 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc 5,400,060 8.78 6.83
05/08/19 Colonial First State Asset Manageme 5,996,809 8.61 8.78
06/06/18 Jarden Partners Limited. 3,288,132 5.02 4.83
18/07/17 Accident Compensation Corporation 3,024,958 5.01 5.00
27/05/16 EROAD Limited 2,440,168 31.25 4.05

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
08/05/23 Selwyn Lyle Pellett 2,325,203 - - -
12/04/23 Mark Lee Heine 190,068 - - -
12/04/23 Margaret Warrington 21,055 - - -
06/07/22 Graham Stuart 105,000 - - -
23/08/21 Alex Ball 12,214 - - -
16/08/21 Susan Paterson 16,561 - - -
06/08/21 Anthony Michael Gibson 616,662 - - -
13/08/20 Jarred Blair Clayton 362,819 - - -
11/08/20 Candace Kinser - - - -
07/02/20 Michael Bushby 137,671 - - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

No forecasts available


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 26/06/2023

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