Manawa Energy Limited Ordinary Shares

Company Details

Registered Office: 108 Durham Street, Tauranga 3110
Postal Address: 108 Durham Street, Tauranga 3110
Telephone: +64-27-582-6600
Facsimile: n/a
First Listed: 18/04/1994
Balance Date: 31 March
AGM: 27/07/2023

Directors and Executives

Joanna Breare
Independent Director
Sheridan Broadbent
Independent Director
Deion Campbell
Clayton Delmarter
Chief Executive Officer
Phillippa Harford
Michael Smith
Joe Windmeyer


Title Date Type
Manawa Energy Releases FY24 Climate Statement Tue, Jul 16 2024 08:30 am GENERAL
Manawa Energy Q1 Operating Report Mon, Jul 15 2024 08:30 am MKTUPDTE
Manawa Energy – Annual Meeting and Director Nominations Wed, Jul 03 2024 08:30 am MEETING
Manawa Energy FY24 Financial Results and Integrated Report Mon, May 20 2024 08:30 am FLLYR
Manawa Energy FY24 Annual Results & Webcast Details Fri, Apr 19 2024 08:30 am GENERAL
Manawa Energy Q4 Operating Report Mon, Apr 15 2024 08:30 am MKTUPDTE
Manawa Energy change of registered office Mon, Apr 08 2024 08:30 am ADMIN
Manawa Energy appoints GM Market Operations & GM People Fri, Apr 05 2024 08:30 am ADMIN
FY24 market guidance update Fri, Mar 22 2024 08:30 am MKTUPDTE
MNW170 – Interest Rate Reset Thu, Feb 22 2024 03:43 pm MEMO

Major Holdings Announcements

No major holdings

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
20/07/23 Kevin Baker 583,335 - - -
19/07/23 Sheridan Adelene Broadb 8,587 - - -
05/12/22 David James Prentice 22,451 - - -
30/06/21 David Edward James Gibs - - - -
04/06/19 Vincent James Hawkswort 136,431 - - -
16/11/17 Steven John Fitzgerald 49,758 - - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

profit2021 profit2022 eps2021 dps2021 sales2021 ebit2021 ebitda2021
mean 75.1 9.8 16.0 394.1 110.7 131.3
high 75.1 9.8 16.0 394.1 110.7 131.3
low 75.1 9.8 16.0 394.1 110.7 131.3
sample 1 0 1 1 1 1 1


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 01/12/2023

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