A database which made public thousands of New Zealanders' personal information was left open for months, despite it being reported to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.Wellington-based LPM Property Management left exposed more than 30,000 images of landlords and tenants’...
The Ministry of Health's Covid Tracer smartphone app is "almost certain to achieve nothing with regard to slowing the virus," says a report touting a CovidCard alternative.
It doesn't take too much thought to conclude the New Zealand Superannuation Fund has sold NZ Inc down the river when it comes to the Metlifecare takeover.
A Green Party plan to end industrial coal use by 2030 would be “tough” for many New Zealand industries but is a target that is worth aiming for, Synlait Milk said. Halting the use of coal in process heat by then would be “pretty ambitious” even for a company like Synlait which...