Looking back - euphoria in ‘86, KZ7 and NZX

Brian Gaynor: Looking back - euphoria in ‘86, KZ7 and NZX

New Zealanders' obsession with the NZX mirrored the success of Michael Fay's KZ7 and the challenge for the America's Cup.

Brian Gaynor 06 Jan 2021
Looking back – The NZX in the early 1980s

Brian Gaynor: Looking back – The NZX in the early 1980s

The ten years ended December 1979 had been a dreadful decade for the NZX.

Brian Gaynor 02 Jan 2021
Abano – a sad adieu to one-time Watson plaything
Law & Regulation

Brian Gaynor: Abano – a sad adieu to one-time Watson plaything

Abano's delisting next Tuesday ends the NZX history of a company that grew out of some classic 1980s-style manoeuvring by Eric Watson.

Brian Gaynor 19 Dec 2020
Radius – should you invest?

Brian Gaynor: Radius – should you invest?

With a portfolio heavy on leased property and ambitions to buy more real estate, why didn't Radius raise capital in last week's compliance listing?

Brian Gaynor 17 Dec 2020