Cooking the Books podcast: a career coach's top tips for earning more
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Cooking the Books podcast: a career coach's top tips for earning more

It's easier to get ahead in life if you earn more money. Career coach Rosie McCarthy tells Frances Cook how.

Frances Cook 07 Nov 2022
Have trouble saving? Try 'financial fasting'

Have trouble saving? Try 'financial fasting'

After you do a financial fast for one week, you can go back to normal spending for the rest of the month.

Frances Cook 05 Nov 2022
Cooking the Books: This couple wants to pay off their mortgage in five years, despite three kids
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Cooking the Books: This couple wants to pay off their mortgage in five years, despite three kids

Should you stick with an ambitious five-year mortgage plan, or risk your future plans by moving to a bigger home?

Frances Cook 24 Oct 2022
Money Answers: How much should I save a week?
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Money Answers: How much should I save a week?

Getting to financial independence is a simple formula, says Frances Cook. Pick the amount you want to live on, then invest a lump sum every week. Compounding returns will do the rest.

Frances Cook 22 Oct 2022