Meridian: $10b to get to 100% renewable electricity

Meridian: $10b to get to 100% renewable electricity

Newly committed wind and geothermal projects will move the system to 90% renewable over the next few years in a business as usual case.

Ian Llewellyn 12 May 2021
New company plans NZ's first major solar farms

New company plans NZ's first major solar farms

Lodestone Energy managing director Gary Holden says development will provide solar energy to Dargaville, Kaitaia, Whakatane, Edgecumbe, and Whitianga.

Ian Llewellyn 12 May 2021
NZX50 dips slightly as investors react to Fonterra
Markets Market Close

NZX50 dips slightly as investors react to Fonterra

Investors were not impressed with Fonterra's capital restructuring plans.

Ian Llewellyn 07 May 2021
Increasing superannuation eligibility will only save 0.3%

Increasing superannuation eligibility will only save 0.3%

Some say the change to NZ Super's residency eligibility is racist, while others say it does not go far enough.

Ian Llewellyn 07 May 2021