Evolve says share jump coincidental, update didn't leak

Evolve says share jump coincidental, update didn't leak

Evolve's shares jumped 28.4 percent last week but the company said that had nothing to do with its just-published performance update.

Jenny Ruth 09 Nov 2020
What to expect from negative interest rates

Jenny Ruth: What to expect from negative interest rates

If the Reserve Bank decides to take its official cash rate negative, it will be dragging us all into a brave new world with likely unintended consequences.

Jenny Ruth 09 Nov 2020
BNZ cuts dairy lending by almost $1 billion

BNZ cuts dairy lending by almost $1 billion

BNZ has been growing its mortgage book but its overall lending is barely higher.

Jenny Ruth 06 Nov 2020
BNZ annual net profit fell 25.4% on covid-related charges

BNZ annual net profit fell 25.4% on covid-related charges

BNZ's annual net profit has been hit by covid-19-related and other charges but its underlying results were also down.

Jenny Ruth 05 Nov 2020