NZ banks in 'solid position' to lend through covid-19 crisis

NZ banks in 'solid position' to lend through covid-19 crisis

The financial system is in a "solid position" for banks to continue lending through the coronavirus crisis, said Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr in his latest financial stability report. Banks supporting customers facing short-term income declines will contribute to lenders'...

Jenny Ruth 27 May 2020
Govt's new small business loan scheme lends nearly $1b

Govt's new small business loan scheme lends nearly $1b

The government's small business loan scheme that bypasses banks in favour of the Inland Revenue Department processing applications is proving far more successful than the earlier business finance guarantee scheme. Revenue and Small Business Minister Stuart Nash said the IRD ha...

Jenny Ruth 27 May 2020
NZ dollar rises with equities markets, boosted by positive export data

NZ dollar rises with equities markets, boosted by positive export data

The New Zealand dollar rose as the mood in equities markets around the world improved and the currency got a kicker from trade data showing local exports held up well through the nation's lockdown. The kiwi was trading at 61.26 US cents at 5pm in Wellington, up from 60.97 cent...

Jenny Ruth 26 May 2020
Xero's customer resilience will determine near-term future

Xero's customer resilience will determine near-term future

Xero's immediate future is inextricably tied to how well existing and potential customers in its major markets fare through the coronavirus crisis.

Jenny Ruth 26 May 2020