Peter Griffin: PETER GRIFFIN: We don’t need a Great Kiwi Firewall
When Jacinda Ardern and French President Emmanuel Macron teamed up a year ago for the Christchurch Call to tackle violent extremist content online, many were sceptical about her approach. The Prime Minister sought global consensus and common action on the problem. Many of the...

Peter Griffin: PETER GRIFFIN: How Sky can make broadband pay
I thought I was getting Sky TV stock at a decent discount back in March when the share price plunged through the 30 cent barrier amid some of the most volatile market trading the NZX has ever seen. Then came the $157 million, deeply discounted rights issue, which institutional...
Peter Griffin: PETER GRIFFIN: Time to double down on ‘deep tech’ investment
Budget 2020 delivered, as one scientist put it, “slim pickings” for research, science and innovation.

Peter Griffin: PETER GRIFFIN: Time to do the prep work for our own digital currency
The Reserve Bank’s move to appoint a ‘head of money and cash’ shows it is getting serious about planning for the future of money and the possibility of a digital kiwi dollar. The Reserve Bank has been fairly tepid on the idea of introducing a central bank digital currency (CBD...